Youth Services

The Road to Success

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Our Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) program, known as “Road to Success” provides training for transitioning students aged 14-22, and is shaped to provide students with a comprehensive overview of all pre-employment transition goals.

Pre-ETS classes include five domains:

  • Self-Advocacy
  • Job Exploration
  • Work-Based Learning
  • Counseling on Postsecondary Education
  • Workplace Readiness
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Project SEARCH

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Project SEARCH is an international initiative that supports partnerships among businesses (employers), local school districts, vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies, and other entities that serve individuals with disabilities, including intellectual and developmental disabilities. Project SEARCH promotes the successful long-term employment of VR customers in jobs that are stable, meaningful, integrated, and competitively compensated.

The program takes place in business settings where total immersion in the workplace facilitates teaching and learning. The program enables participating VR customers to develop marketable work skills and increase their employability. Each customer has the opportunity to participate in three internships in order to explore a variety of career paths. The customer works with a team that includes the customer's family and partnering agencies. The team helps the customer create an employment goal and supports the customer during the transition from school to work.
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Job Skills Training

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Job skills trainers teach skills, reinforce learned skills, and set up accommodations, compensatory techniques, or both to increase the individual’s independence and ability to meet the employer’s expectations.
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